Welcome to Sound Ceremony
100hr Sound Healing Certification in Guatemala
An experiential school of the embodied, experiential and direct teachings that open one to serve as an instrument in the hands of life. Sound Ceremony is the gathering in the reverence and presence of sound. It is the communion in vibration; and equally a contemplative inquiry and listening meditation on the life, spirit and source of all sound. After the initiation nothing sounds the same.
Jaya and Hayley have walked these paths for many years since founding The Yoga Forest in 2009 and share their simple love of wisdom and music from a space of devotion that captivates and enchants. They hold a high standard for their work and offerings which are deep, multi-disciplinary and multi-faceted and have evolved into their own family traditions of Sound Ceremony and The Forest Path.
Upcoming sound healing Trainings and retreats:
“Hidden in every sound is the source of all sound.”
— Jayaji

Join our Free Mini Sound Healing Courses!
These free mini sound healing courses give you an introductory dive into the worlds of crystal bowls, daily practices that bring you deeper into the world of Sound and your voice, and the Gayatri mantra to experience the potent power of repetition.
Explore our offerings!
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Get a Sneak Peek into our 100 hr Sound Healing Certification Training
Sound Ceremony is the gathering in the reverence and presence of sound. It is to be an embodied, experiential and direct communion in vibration; and equally a contemplative inquiry and listening meditation on the life, spirit and source of all sound. If you are not in awe at all that touches your ears then you are not listening carefully enough.
If you listen carefully you may begin to perceive a sound, and the source of that sound, if you inquire, has no beginning and has not an ending. Unstruck and uncaused, ceaselessly humming through more than just your ears. There is a symphony inside of you that is waiting for you to listen.
Hear from our Sound Students…
“This experience was life-changing for me. I returned in many ways as a whole new being and feel such deep gratitude for the opportunity to have been a part of this experience in-person. Jaya, Hayley and Ricardo were amazing as instructors and it was an absolute dream for me to be in the same space with them and learning from them. The course content was amazing, thoughtful, powerful, and so personal. The sound experiences were magical and transformative. And the Yoga Forest is a beautiful landscape to encourage deep inner work and take time to really get to know yourself on a level I haven't experienced before. The whole adventure was a deep honor for me and I feel excited to continue to share this work with others.”
~ Clarissa Thompson

Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some answers to your questions all about sound and healing:
Nāda is said to be one of the simplest and most straightforward approaches to Yoga not only for its ability concentrate, calm and restore well-being to the individual both physically and mentally but too, as a tool for self realization and as a path for spiritual liberation and awakening.
So, What Is It?
The word Nāda or Nad refers to sound or tone in a similar sense it also means current, stream, river or flow. Therefore Nāda is the flow of sound, the constant current, the sacred sound stream; a river of sound. The Nāda Yogis see this constant current as the basis for all things. Indeed, they declare that the world is sound. Subtle sound vibration extending and rippling outwards to create a vast network of events we call the universe. Nāda Yoga then is the uniting of the individual consciousness with the universal through involvement with the flow of sound.
Sound healing can be used in ceremonies for physical, emotional and energetic healing. If you are already a musician or yoga teacher, or hope to expand into the work of sound healing, you can develop it as your profession and your way of connecting with Spirit and your Soul's purpose. You can use sound healing for your own and others' healing on many levels, as well as a way to connect to your creative capacities and flow states.
Sound is all around us, and a part of our daily lives. Sounds are constantly affecting our hormone secretions, emotional states, breathing, heart rate, and our brain waves.
There are four key ways that sound affects us on a daily basis: Physiological, psychological, cognitively and behaviorally.
Physiological changes include fluctuations of hormones, heart rate, and even our breathing. For example, when we hear the sound of ocean waves lapping at the seashore, we experience a significant drop in stress hormones. A study showed that this drop was caused by our biological stress messengers, catecholamine neurotransmitters, which slow down when one is exposed to oceanic sounds.
Psychological effects of sound are a bit more obvious, the most prominent being our perception and experience of our emotions.
Cognitive effects have been shown by various studies. In 2009, a study was Training Manual 17 done by Lund University in Sweden that expanded upon six ways in which sound can evoke emotions in the brain.
Every organ, tissue, and cell has its vibration which, when in harmony, creates the most wonderful symphony imaginable, the human body. And all of it is continuously absorbing and emitting sound. Our body as well as our minds, in a relaxed harmonious state, are vibrating at a fundamental frequency of about 8 cycles per second, allowing us to be attuned with the basic electromagnetic field of the Earth itself.
Scientific studies show us that sound has the capacity to create change in the autonomic, immune, endocrine and neuropeptide systems. Both sound and music (simply put, organized sound) assist in allowing the body-mind to come into a deep state of relaxation where the bodies inherent capacity for self healing can occur.
No! Sound Healing Training programs are not governed by any organizational body (like the Yoga Alliance for Yoga Teachers).
We are a part of The Sound Healers Association that was founded in 1982 as an organization dedicated to the research and awareness of the uses of sound and music as therapeutic and transformational modalities, as well as are certified as a Yoga Alliance Continuing Education Program.