Advice for the Sound Student: Discernment and Caution with Ceremonial Study

Discernment and Caution with Ceremonial Study

Always use your discernment, critical thinking and a healthy dose of scepticism when it comes to grandiose claims about what sound can do or what a “sound healer” can do.

This extends itself to many other cautionary ideas that may sneak their way into the study of sound such as: conspiracy thinking and con-spiritual notions, gimmicks, fads, dogmas, sales tactics, wishful thinking, unfounded and ungrounded claims of many types that do not necessarily need a voice in a suggestive and relaxing environment.

Learn to discern and look carefully at people who make any claims of things such as decalcifying pineal glands, curing cancer with their voice, anyone who claims they are doing any sort of Quantum or DNA cleansing, cleaning, alignment or activation for you; Giving download codes and channelling anyone from Jesus, Mary, Cleopatra and a plethora of aliens from 5-dimensional reality; promising the idea of ascension, soul healing and cultish behaviour in directing or correcting individuals etc…

The list may go on and on and do not get us wrong, there are a many great practitioners out there doing great things, many mediums and many guides in well-established traditions, however, we notice some sound seekers and students are all too gullible and quick to believe what they hear and so much of it is unfortunately ungrounded and unfounded and without any scientific or community basis. 

The discernment here is to look carefully at those who claim such things and ask:

  • Why might they say/believe such a thing?

  • Why might others be drawn to such claims?

  • Why might I be drawn to these claims/persons/beliefs?

Be mindful, be discerning, be understanding of these topics and show compassion and curiosity. Ask good questions to get to the heart of the matter so you can make up your own mind and beliefs and help those you encounter to educate theirs with a sound mind also.